Meet Alana
Hello there! I’M Alana.
Thank you so much for paying me a visit here at My Strong Little Body.
It has been a project close to my heart for over 6 years now, starting when my now ‘big boy’ was just 6 months old!
A little about me;
I am an Australian paediatric physiotherapist with over 15 years experience.
I am an incredibly anxious flyer (I ALWAYS check the age of the pilot when I’m boarding) but am weirdly calm in emergency situations.
And I drink instant coffee ……there. I said it.
I specialise in infant gross-motor development, and I have worked with children with disabilities for my entire career. I have a soft spot for toddlers (the adorable little beasts that they are) and I have a huge passion for working with new parents. Because parenting is hard. And I love being able to help take a weight off a new Mum (or Dad’s) shoulders with my expertise and support.
If you are in need of a paediatric physio and live close to the gold coast in australia, I would absolutely love to support you and your child. You can find me here at early Years Physiotherapy in burleigh Waters.
Alternatively I can very effectively offer expert advice and support via my tele-health service.
I have to admit….I’m more fun in person but Tele-health is the next best thing. :)
A little more background on my physiotherapy journey; I graduated from The University of South Australia with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy in 2005, and since then have worked as a clinician in many private and community organisations across Australia and the United Kingdom, fostering my love for working with children of all abilities.
I have undertaken a wide range of post-graduate training, including several ‘Neuro-Developmental Treatment’ (NDT) courses for babies. This approach really changed the way I looked at human movement many moons ago, and is now the foundation that I build most of my therapy sessions on today.
I have worked alongside paediatricians, rehabilitation specialists, occupational therapists and speech pathologists both nationally and internationally. Collectively, they have given me a much broader understanding of children’s health and wellbeing, helping me to take a wholistic and trans-disciplinary approach when it comes to looking after my little patients.
Never a dull day with these two peanuts.
The other (gigantic-and-so-very-life-changing) role in my life is my Mama role.
I get to be Mum to my two delicious (and rather feisty!) little lads Fraser and Alfie, and wife to my beautiful Adam.
We live in a lovely home nestled amongst the trees and sunshine on the Gold Coast, in Queensland, Australia. We share this home with our senior-citizen sausage dog, Frankie. You might see him pop up here and there in the book (he had a few less greys back then).
The idea for My Strong Little Body was born after experiencing that enormous transition to motherhood myself.
You can learn more about my start to mothering here. (Spoiler: It was way harder than I imagined.)
In a nutshell, I very quickly came to the realisation that, becoming a Mum is bloody tricky. I also realised how many parents don’t understand the importance of supporting gross motor development in that first year with a baby.
On the other hand, I learnt it was quite the opposite for other Mamas, who would obsess and stress over their baby’s every move, especially if they were slower to develop than other babies around them.
I realised I could really easily help out both of these Mums.
I wanted to create a resource that completely captured what I would want every new parent to know about baby development. How easy it can be to give your ‘little’ a stronger start, to nurture their development with purposeful play at home (and avoid the ol’ flat head)
So with a fire in my belly, every night after my baby was asleep (which wasn’t very often!) I’d start tapping away at the keyboard. And slowly but surely (after 5 years!) My Strong Little Body was brought to life.
I’m so pleased you are joining me on this little journey. Just take it one step at a time. And take comfort knowing that in following my guide you will be offering your ‘little’ the best and strongest start in life.
Wishing you the very best,
How I found time to write a book when I had this many to read every bed time I do not know.